We have built our business on successfully delivering long term framework contracts with local councils and transport authorities.

What is a framework and how does it work?
Framework agreements are long-term relationships held between a supplier and client. They create a commercial environment that is more favourable to sustainable investment and employment, and cuts waste in processes and physical resources. Considered among most of our industry as being far superior to the short-term procurement policies that cause endless uncertainty for clients and suppliers, and can promote adversarial relationships.
Framework agreements are rapidly becoming the preferred procurement route for forward thinking organisations. Choosing to invest in their supply chain and looking at the holistic benefits and savings instead of a cheap initial price. The priorities differ for each client, for our local authority clients, reinvestment within the local community, through; employment, apprenticeships, supply chain and support of community projects are major benefits of long term frameworks. Many case studies have demonstrated that a framework agreement delivers better value, year on year.

Frameworks have countless benefits such as:
- Provides significant cost savings - although a portion of work is required to agree and implement the framework agreement at the outset, there is no need to engage in any further negotiation on terms for the duration of the framework agreement
- Saves significant time on contract administration – since the foundation of the contract is essentially pre-agreed, the parties’ technical teams can focus on what really matters, the project specific details.
- Ease and speed of management – A framework agreement will include the bulk of the contract documents (other than the bespoke technical specification) and because a call-off contract is issued under the framework agreement, which is already agreed, there is no need to include volumes of ancillary documents.
- Continuous improvement – Frameworks offer the structure needed to measure and improve performance during a project and to compare successive projects to see that lessons are transferred from project to project
- Better value and greater community wealth – the assurance of consistent workflow allows for suppliers to reinvest in the community e.g. recruiting from the local area, partaking in community development programmes, using local manufacturers and third party suppliers, etc.
We view a framework as a long-term relationship with the community whereby we are working together to deliver sustained ongoing improvement. They provide us with the capability to reinvest in the local area, providing additional benefits that go beyond the service of the framework agreement. In addition, they let our customers focus on what’s right for them, their communities and stakeholders, instead of lengthy, costly procurement processes. This is why our business model focuses largely on delivering more sustainable long-term framework agreements. Over the last 12 Years, more than 70% of our work has been procured through well-established frameworks.
We are currently on 11 frameworks with local authorities throughout the North West. These are categorised into three main types of frameworks agreements. Each with their own benefits.
Although the specification and details vary from each framework agreement, we have an underlying philosophy of providing the best level of service and greatest social value to all the communities we serve. Through project reviews, client feedback and self-assessments, we constantly strive to improve our performance from one scheme to the next.
Social value plays a key role in the delivery of our frameworks. We view it as our duty to improve the social, economic and environmental standards in the local communities where we work. We do this by:
- Recruiting locally, especially through programmes that aim at helping disadvantaged or NEET residents
- Recruiting and training local apprentices
- Undertaking or supporting local community projects through our George Cox Foundation
- Provide free Entrepreneurial workshops and presentations
- Engaging with local schools, colleges and community groups
- Using local suppliers
- Adopting carbon neutral practices
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