The George Cox Foundation was approached by the church committee members to ask for assistance in creating a safe drop-off and turning area. They had serious safety concerns as members of the congregation, visitors, bridal parties and funeral hearses were having to stop on the busy roadside of the A6.

They planned to upgrade a gravel road that was being used to access the vestry and 4 residential dwellings and create a turning point adjacent to the church. This would allow vehicles safer access to the main church entrance.
The works design was created by our in-house experts, taking into consideration the client’s requirements and the grade II listed church, we block paved the area to retain the heritage and inlaid a cross within the block work.
In total the contract value for the works the church was hoping to have done amounted to £7,200, so the foundation donated £5,000 worth of labour, plant and materials towards the project, which meant that the church only had to contribute £2,200.

As the funding available for the works was limited, we looked at money saving initiatives to ensure the church’s brief was achieved. We did this by using a soakaway approach for drainage, this avoided the need for a traditional system, the excavated soil was reused to level the working level and by using flags that we currently held in stock.
The works were carried out during the quieter winter months to avoid too much disturbance to the daily running’s of the church. Our site manager informed the local residents and the pastor of the programming of the works to check if any changes needed to be made to allow for services etc.